Passive smoking...
How would you handle this? So far my 6 year old used to say I will become this, I will become that when I grow up. Today he said - "मैं बड़ा होके smoking करूँगा!" (Means: I will do smoking when I grow up!!!!) Out goes our reply with a long listing of our entire family tree trying to make a point that no one smokes because its not good (for health)... Added with some lecture on smoking hazards... Comes another statement - "But friend's grandpa smokes..." Discussion closed - No, its not a good thing to do... Think about doing something else... so many better (cooler) things to do... I am sure so many people would have thought about this for themselves when they were kids, but its always like "reinventing the wheel" when you become a parent and see your own kid going thru the same cycle; and trying to save them from what's not good and encourage them to take up what's good... PS: Cigarette smoking is injurious for one's health... ...