
We recently underwent the domestic change management exercise of sending our young daughter to a play school. Although we have been thru this once (our son), but still the anxiety was no less. It is very difficult to break a young kid's heart. Hand her over to a teacher unknown to her while she is still crying... And this actually happened when she exchanged laps between me and her teacher although against her will.

In the first two weeks, it was all cries, sobs and such for -
स्कूल नहीं जाना! ( I don't want to go to school)... 

Two weeks later, again cries, sobs and such for - 
स्कूल जाना है! (I want to go to school!)

That was a quick transition, we thought. It was heartening to see her performing in the school annual day function as well, doing a butterfly dance - 

When I left my home for the first time to join my job, I wrote a letter to my parents. The content more or less said that I am that kid-bird which has grown up and has left its nest. It was written in an attempt to assure my parents that I am fine. But soon I realized that those must have been really "strong" words for my parents. Now the same words come boomeranging on me somewhere in my mind, when I "happily" watch my kids grow and build a world of their own.


Unknown said…
Emotions flowing. Very nicely worded. Even I didn't felt when I left at 29 but after that it happens to me very frequently.
hey bhaiya, how thoughtful r u. truly emotional. wisely crafted matter.

These are the thing one shud learn frm u & the same i want frm u..
Hi friend.Its really effective information.Thanks for your great wordings.I like it.Web Hosting India

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