Summer Training...

Is it mandatory to do 2 months summer training course during your engineering? Say after 6th sem. What is the norm like?

The demand-supply equations have changed. When these courses were designed, they had only a few seats to start with, and there were only a few industries (government run/public sector), that equilibrium is gone now.

There are so many engineering colleges out there churning out so many grads every year, how is the availability of genuine summer training opportunities? With the colleges making it compulsory and junta is coming out in such large numbers, how is it possible for everyone of them to do something useful. 2 months will be spent in no time with the trainee just getting acquainted with the norms of the industry, when will he/she produce something useful for the organization.

The companies will rarely get any returns from the such short trainings. If at all they do, they enforce stringent mechanisms to induct trainees, and add some branding benefits to it. It might be beneficial for the trainees but if that trainee is not going to join back the organization, it is a loss of productivity for the organization.

Many people look for their friends/uncles who are in key positions and can get them at least a certificate from some organizations. As I understand, in many organizations it is mandatory to entertain a certain number of trainees every year and people use it as a way to get some certificate without any effort, for the trainers its a burden as well. Philosophy wise it is good, one must spread the knowledge but when it comes to implementation, its a chaos...

Is it not all farce then?



sbharti said…
manish.. we need to look into the philosophy of our instep internship as well :D lol

PS : i do agree to the points.. in many ways it lets the students and companies both to know current trend among students.. though availability is quite less..

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